Monday, March 21, 2011

Is Jim Tressel Bullet-Proof?

Jim Tressel's five-game suspension has been the least talked about piece of important news in sports recently. Is the Ohio State head football coach getting enough criticism for this incident? Tressel essentially knowingly allowed his players to break NCAA rules for nine months and did nothing to stop them. When they were caught, he never made mention of the fact that he knew what they were doing. It was later found out that he did in fact know of the violations. This sounds almost similar to the situation that may ultimately result in Tennessee basketball coach Bruce Pearl losing his job. Why is Tressel hardly being criticized for what many people would view as blatant disregard for the rules. The reactions of both the media and college football fans have really puzzled me since this story broke. Remember when we found out Bill Bilicheck was a cheater? Why has Tressel not received Spygate-type media attention for this fiasco that he allowed to take place for nearly an entire calander year? Are we allowed to talk bad about Jim Tressel?

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